Are you Ready for your training session ???

1. Show Up Early!

Have you ever overslept, arrived late to work and felt as if your whole day was just somehow “off?” The same is true for your training sessions.

To avoid that flustered feeling, plan to arrive at Body Fix around ten minutes prior to your scheduled appointment.

You’ll have a chance to pop into the restroom or to change your clothes.

Plus, you will likely need to warm up for 10 minutes or so before you sessions; use that time to warm up and enjoy a full 30 mins of one-on-one work with your trainer AKA Me.

2. Show Up Rested.

In the same way you wouldn’t expect to be productive at school or work without a full night’s sleep, your first training session will be less effective as well.

An increasing number of medical studies have proven that a lack of sleep (defined as 7 hours or less each night) leads to quite a few health issues.

These include weight gain, a decrease in muscle mass and bone loss.

It should be noted, too, that if you’re sleep-deprived you’re more prone to exercise-related injury.

Keep your eyes open and your workout safe—be sure to get a full seven plus hours of sleep the night before your training session.

3. Show Up Hydrated.

Body Fix has an amazing water fountain, bottled water and sports drinks are available too.

Prior to your session with Me, make sure you drink water.

A good rule of thumb is that if you’re not thirsty, you’re hydrated enough to begin.

Don’t drink too much—you don’t want to spend your entire session in the restroom!

Bring a bottle of water with you so you can sip during your session.

I will be sure to allow you breaks to stay properly hydrated.

4. Eat Something Light.

It’s important that you eat something before your session , but it’s equally important that your meal is light.

A banana is a great choice, as is oatmeal. Scrambled eggs or avocado are high in amino acids, which can help speed up your post-session recovery.

Before your session, there are some foods you should consider avoiding.

Beans, dairy, broccoli, cabbage and fried foods are a few you should steer clear of. Of course, alcohol prior to a workout is a very bad idea.

5. Have Your Goals In Mind.

We should already have discussed your fitness and health goals during the interview process.

That said, always keep your fitness goals in mind.

This makes it easier to communicate with me and will also allow you to identify any changes to those goals.

For instance, if you’d initially set a goal to lose weight, you may find that you simply love your weight training sessions and would like to fine tune your program.

Of course, keeping your goals in mind provides one more benefit: motivation!

But, remember to take baby steps in your training with realistic expectations. 

6. Dress Comfortably.

The best rule is to keep it simple.

Wear comfortable, breathable clothing that’s moisture-wicking. 

Always wear socks when you work out to avoid blistering and don’t underestimate the importance of a good, supportive pair of shoes.

Well-fitting, closed-toed shoes with good arch support are critical to injury prevention and comfort.

7. Be Open To Trying New Things.

I have lots of tricks up my sleeve.

There’s a good chance I will ask you to try something you’ve never attempted before.

Technology (and sports science) has advanced to include many options that were previously unheard of—so don’t be afraid to try stuff out.

It’s absolutely critical, however, that you let me know if you feel uncomfortable with anything, including pain.

I may gently encourage you once more to give it a shot, but ultimately the choice is yours.

Your training session is about you and I will respect your personal boundaries.

Be prepared to learn during your first session, and during all your subsequent sessions!

I have knowledge and experience you can learn from, so don’t be afraid to ask questions.

8. Be Honest With Me.

I can’t help you reach your goals if you’re not honest with me.

That’s not to say you’ve got to share intimate details of your life with your me.

But it does mean that it’s okay to provide the details of that lava cake that wasn’t on your meal plan.

I am equipped to work with you and your unique lifestyle, even if that suggests you unwind with a glass of wine each night.

Be honest—about your nutritional goals, your exercise habits, and especially about your relationship with me !

If there’s something you’d like to do differently, open it up for discussion.

9. Trust The Process.

Fitness goals aren’t achieved overnight.

When we initially meet , we discussed timelines for results.

Remember that you’ll feel terrific after your session, but you won’t be able to see instant results.

Trust the process and stick with it.

Be realistic both with your personal goals and me.

I will help teach you what to do, but you’ve got to put the work in!

Being more mindful of your everyday choices can help make your training sessions more productive.

10. Relax!

Breathe, have fun and laugh.

After all, you’re doing great things for your health, body, and mind—what’s not to love about that?


Do you really need any workout supplements?


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