Do you really need any workout supplements?


Short answer; yes. No matter what your goal is (muscle gain, fat loss, strength gain), you will make excellent progress if you stick to a well-balanced nutrition plan and a well-structured and thought-out exercise program.

The role of supplements is exactly what the word suggests: to SUPPLEMENT your nutrition plan.

Of course that requires an existing nutrition plan.

If you do not have one, don’t bother with supplements, they simply will not work for you.

It’s like not knowing how to run and yet buying expensive running shoes.

You have no use for them.


If your nutrition and programming are already spot on and you are already maximizing your results, supplementing a few key products can really help you get an extra EDGE.

Do not expect miracles.

Making gains as a natural lifter is an extremely slow process and I am discussing only natural supplements.

These supplements might help you get an extra 5-15% in terms of results, depending on how your body responds to them.


Deciding which supplements are good for you is very tricky and it really depends on your budget and your genetics. Not all supplements are going to work the same for everybody.

Having said that, there are some general guidelines that stay true for everyone.

Let’s take a look at the most effective supplements out there:


Whey protein is not necessarily a supplement, you should think of it more as “food”.

It’s a meal replacement. It will help you meet your everyday protein goals.

If you already have structured your nutrition plan, you should know by now how many grams of protein you need to be taking per day.

It might be hard to meet these requirements by just having normal food so whey protein is just a matter of convenience. It’s not magic and it’s definitely not required to make strength or muscle gains.

Timing: You can take whey protein whenever you want as long as you meet your protein requirements for the day.

Quantity:  You can take as much as you want, even in one sitting. Do not buy into the myth “your body can only process 25 grams of protein every 2-3 hours”.


Creatine is probably the most studied supplement and everybody agrees that it definitely works.

Again, don’t expect miracles.

Supplementing with creatine, will most likely make you 5-20% stronger in the gym which does translate to more muscle gains.

There are many forms of creatine but go for the one that is actually tested and definitely works: Creatine Monohydrate.

There are certain people who are not responsive to creatine at all.

These are called non-responders and you will know it if that’s you within 2 weeks of creatine use. You will experience absolutely no progress while taking it, in which case you will know, creatine is not for you.

Timing: Take creatine whenever you want, but preferably when you wake up or after your training. That’s when your body has been deprived of nutrients for a long period of time and is usually most receptive to them.

Quantity: Depending on your weight, take 3 - 8grams of creatine per day. If you are above 200lbs, lean towards 8 grams but if you are really skinny (less than 140lbs), go for 3 grams per day. It’s always enough.


This really depends on your personality and what your everyday schedule looks like.

PW supplements can intensify your workouts which is key to making more gains. It is advised however, that you only use them if you are a busy person who works/studies all day and needs that extra kick before the gym.

Most pre-workout supplements follow a certain formula and the key ingredient is almost always caffeine. By now you should be considering making your own pre-workout by adding caffeine, whey protein, some carbs and water in a shaker. It’s definitely cheaper and just as effective.

Timing: 15-30 minutes before your workout, depending on the supplement.

Quantity: Always use the directions on the bottle. Start off with a small dose to evaluate your tolerance to the supplement.


Fish oil products contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have numerous benefits for your health. From helping with fat loss, to dealing with depression, to healing joint pain…to  preventing heart attacks, fish oil is a necessity not only for  lifters, but for everyone really.

Timing & Quantity: Take at least 0.5 grams of fish oil (DHA+EPA) once a day, preferably after a big meal.


A multi-vitamin tablet per day keeps the doctor away? This is not conclusive. Most diets lack certain vitamins or minerals, that’s for sure. Problem is we can’t be certain that the vitamins and minerals in a multi-vitamin are actually bioavailable. MVs that contain ingredients from poor sources are even harder for your body to process and assimilate.

At the end of the day, this comes down to keeping your mind at peace. If it makes you sleep better at night, go ahead and buy a multi-vitamin.

Just be sure to follow the directions on the bottle, because too much of certain vitamins and minerals can actually cause serious health problems.


Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) consist of three individual amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine.

They are found in most protein sources, particularly those of animal origin like meat, poultry, eggs, dairy and fish.

BCAAs are critically important for muscle growth and make up about 14% of the amino acids in your muscles Just about everyone consumes BCAAs from food every day, but it’s also very popular to take BCAAs as a supplement. A small amount of research has shown that BCAAs may improve muscle gain or reduce muscle loss, compared to a placebo .

However, other research shows that BCAAs may not produce greater muscle gain in those following an exercise program .

It’s likely that BCAA supplements may only benefit you if you are not eating enough high-quality protein in your diet.

Although they may be beneficial if your diet is inadequate, more information is needed before BCAAs are recommended as a go-to supplement for muscle gain.


Supplements can be useful in the right hands. If you cannot afford supplements, do not worry about it. A well designed meal plan will provide more results than any combination of supplements ever will.

What’s far more important than supplementation is getting your meal plan right, getting your training right and of course, getting your mind right.


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