Train during wintertime for the summer body!

The days are short, you wear your Onesie outside the house and your willpower to hit the gym has reached an all-time low: yep, it's definitely winter.
But it's also the best time to start on your summer 2022/23 body.

"Summer bodies are built in winter" is admittedly an annoying fitness mantra... but there's also a lot of truth to it.

If you think about, until December 1 rolls around, you'll have five-plus months to kick-off healthy habits that you can carry with you for the rest of your life.

For instance, if you lost weight at the recommended sensible rate of 500g a week, you could potentially be 12.5kg lighter by the time most people start hitting the beach. (Obviously this is extremely hypothetical, but it can't hurt to dream big!)

Habits started in winter are more likely to hang around, the habits you form in the wintertime are more likely to stick because you're less likely to be caught up in the craziness of office Christmas parties and social drinks.

Getting out of your snuggle cocoon is the main challenge.
"Never hit the snooze button!"
"Jump out of bed as soon as your alarm goes off and before your brain has time to realize how snuggly and warm it is under the Duvet."

If that's not enough to get you up and active, you could also try signing up a few of your friends for an exercise class, and hope that the communal shame of skipping the class is enough to get you out from those ultra-warm Beds.

Need more motivation? Remember why you started

When your motivation starts to slip it’s important to remember your 'why' – that is, why you started your health journey in the first place


Common Mistakes When Trying to Lose Weight


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